New Moon in Virgo

Contributor: Saffron & Sage
Photographer: Saffron & Sage

You can harness the moon's energy two days before and after a new moon; if you missed our new moon circle here is Integrative Healer, Rob Nguyen's take on this celestial event and his suggestions for incorporating the moon's energy during this time of the month.



September 9th marks the new moon in Virgo, the earth priestess of healing and health. This new moon is the last of the summer, and it gives us a proper opportunity to prepare for the Autumn Equinox (9/22) by organizing with discipline, new routines, and intentional daily practices. If you were thinking about doing a physical and/or subtle body cleanse, now is the time. What emotions or opportunities have you been ignoring? The universe is calling for you to step into your power, so answer with your DEDICATION. 

The Virgo in Sun and Moon mothers us as if she is carrying us with two warm palms. Is your beautiful darkness reborn again as fall approaches? Use this grounding protection of Virgo to re-examine your shadow self as past wounds gracefully arrive back on your lap --your addictions, resentment, shame, and grief. Don't fear, more magic is on the way.

Mantra: When I heal myself, I can heal others. 


Axis of Virgo - lunation of the mother, divine healer, and committed worker

Virgo rules the body part of the intestines, stomach, spleen

Yin Yoga poses to cleanse those inner organs: tadpole, reclined twists, melting heart, caterpillar

Crystal that illuminates this moon: Labradorite inspires us when we seek the road of transformation. It cleanses unwanted energy when encountered on your path. We can trust in our intuition, rather than our paranoia.  

Essential Oil: Orange or any other citrus oil can be used to help us exit the loop of emotion we may be burying ourselves with. Come back to humor, to lightness, to focus.