Full Moon in Capricorn

Contributor: Saffron & Sage
Photographer: Saffron & Sage

You can harness the moon's energy two days before and after a full moon; if you missed our full moon circle on June 28, 2018 here is Integrative Healer, Rob Nguyen's take on this celestial event and his suggestions for incorporating the moon's energy during this time of the month.


A S T R O L O G Y :  

Our Full Moon in Capricorn on June 27th stamps the calendar with our mid year mark as well as the first full moon of the summer. The work and career-oriented Capricorn invites us to look back at the last six months and reflect on where our 2018 intentions have landed and how they may have changed. What tools have you learned used in order to handle stress and anxiety? As micro-blossomings occur throughout the year, begin to commemorate how you have been supported.

This moon reminds us to REMEMBER our ancestors, mentors, legends, past lives, and the divine teacher within. Our current and future successes inspire from the great wisdom and learning that were passed down through generations of healing and hardship. Who SPEAKS to your intuition and gut when making decisions? How can these decisions contribute to your personal success and the success of humanity overall?

T H E   P H Y S I C A L : 

Axis of Capricorn; archetype the breadwinner, opportunist, and ambitionist 

Capricorn rules the bodily region of the knees 

Yin Yoga poses to release blockages: square pose, deer pose, saddle, child's pose, reclined butterfly

Crystal that illuminates this moon: Black Tourmaline can ground and protect those who wish to dive into another realm of spirit, thought, or life regression. Also acts as a great barrier for conversing with toxic co-workers.

Essential Oil: Clove summons the courage to face confrontation with clear boundaries and empowerment. Great for those who may feel high levels of dependency and self-betrayal.