How Our Microneedling Facial Is Different

PRP & Growth Factors


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) was a breakthrough in the 1980’s as an original means of having a general source for human growth factors particularly for the purpose of potential bone healing. However, after many trials, PRP was not able to deliver consistent results and was moved to a more cosmetic use. PRP is a source of growth factors, but because your blood has different levels, types, and health of growth factors at any given moment, the results are not as consistent. In the three decades since that time, molecular biology and biotechnology has advanced the ability to understand the unique role of specific growth factors in producing certain healing resources and isolate those specific growth factors to create very targeted approaches to accelerate healing and repair.

growth factors used in treatment

GF Complete leverages the biotechnology to sort specific GF types in the right ratio to get a very specific outcome for healing and rejuvenation. We can also control the “dose” or ratio of Growth Factor vs. PRP. Our microneedling treatments use a professional growth factor which is designed for more invasive skin damage to greatly reduce inflammatory response, enhance the healing and repair process. PRP in cosmetic use doesn’t have that same capability or the ability to stress fibroblasts in our skin to produce additional growth factors for continual improvement in the way that our treatment does. Most importantly our microneedling with professional growth factors doesn’t require blood preparation which reduces concerns about contamination and spread of infectious disease.


Saffron & Sage’s microneedling facial

The growth factor formulation used in our microneedling treatments is different in that it isolates the 4 families (in the SGF-4) of growth factors that pertain to the health and healing of your skin and combines them in the proper ratio with cytokines and glycans, so not only do you get the guaranteed concentration of the right types of growth factors, but also that necessary ratio for optimal results.

These are body natural proteins, but the formulation used in our microneedling facials contains a higher concentration that is used in our clinical setting to get the best results. The Microneedling Facial utilizes professional growth factors which stimulates your body to create more growth factors on its own after the treatment and then we keep stimulating that on a daily basis with the home care.

HOW TO Book with us

Beginning March 19, 2024, Saffron & Sage’s Microneedling Facial & Anti-Aging Facial will be bookable for all members & non-members!

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