PRP vs. PRF - What's better?

What’s the difference between PRP and PRF?


Platelet-rich plasma is a component of your own blood that contains growth factors & other proteins that promote collagen production and healing on a cellular level. Pairing PRP with treatments such as microneedling involves the plasma being absorbed into the skin, just as a serum would, to achieve younger, smoother, and overall healthier skin.

How does it work?

Our blood is comprised of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The value of PRP is that it contributes to the coagulation of blood, resulting in blood clots which promotes healing with the assistance of growth factors. Growth factors are a critical component in the healing process as they are full of elastin, which keeps our skin tight and looking plump.

PRP has shown to be a promising and noninvasive treatment in wound healing and tissue regeneration. The one notable con of PRP is that the cells and growth factors contained within your blood are at the same age as you are.

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Platelet-rich fibrin is similar to PRP in that it is used to promote skin rejuvenation, hair growth, and wound healing. PRF is a matrix of fibrin, composed of platelet cytokines and growth factors. PRF is processed in a way to keep the white blood cells and stem cells together with the blood platelets and plasma, whereas in PRP, they are separated.

What’s the difference?

One of the differences between PRP and PRF is the amount of blood that must be drawn - PRF requires less of a blood draw. Additionally, PRF releases slower and therefore adds a longer anti-aging effect.

Rejuvenate your skin with microneedling and growth factors in San Diego. Experience anti-aging benefits for radiant, youthful skin. Book now!

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