Acupuncture & Cupping Immunity Boosting Treatment

Captura de Tela 2019-10-28 às 18.03.06.png

Acupuncture & Cupping Immunity Boosting Treatment

This is the best time of the year to strengthen the body's defenses naturally and make sure you are protected during the upcoming season. 

To keep the body working properly, Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that any excesses or deficiencies in yin and yang need to be corrected. This is done in a holistic manner. By addressing the body as a whole, techniques such as Acupuncture and Cupping are used to bring the body back to its normal balance, which results in a healthy immune system.

Acupuncture can help boost the immune system through specific acupuncture points on the body based on the meridian system. 

By moving fluid throughout the body, Cupping increases the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid through the system. which helps the body defend itself from illness and toxins. Cupping also removes phlegm and congestion from the body and relieves cold and flu symptoms. 

Acupuncture and Cupping combined can be quite effective, and as a natural treatment, it helps to treat many health conditions while improving the overall health and function of the body.