9 Ways to Treat Yourself on a Dime

Contributor: Lila Seely
Photographer: Sarah Kunst

I've had the urge to splurge recently and it's a constant battle between: Do I say f*** it and treat mah self (tenfold) or hold back the desire and save for....the future? I'm a proponent of splurging, but when I sense some hesitation, I try to take that as my mind and body telling me now is not the time, or perhaps what I'm dreaming of isn't worth it currently. Right now, I'm seriously craving some sessions with healers, healing practices - anything and everything to feel lighter, more love and totally cared for.

But, since I'm listening to my gut telling me no, not now...I thought I'd explore some healing practices I can do at home, sans healer visits and with much lower price tags (or free!).

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Nothing 'til Next Paycheck

i. Bubble Bath • Hopping into a warm bubble bath can soothe all your aches, pains and sorrows. Throw on a robe and diffuse some essential oils to feel extra luxurious. It's almost like your own at home spa. 

ii. Abhyanga • This Ayurvedic self-massage is great for giving yourself some much-needed self-love. All that's required is some sesame oil. Watch this video for a How-To.

iii. Foam Roller Massage • Roll yourself out on a foam roller, spending extra time in areas that feel tight. Play some relaxing music and light some candles. 

Some Spare Cash to Spend

i. Try a New Face Mask • Check out your favorite skincare line, or visit CAP Beauty for a fun face mask to try. Lather it on, lay in bed and soak in that self-care.

ii. Check out Groupon or Class Pass for some discounted healer sessions • And of course, do some research before purchasing from some possibly-sketch, boarded up salon. I've had some great experiences on Groupon and did you know Cryotherapy is on Class Pass??

iii. Check out The TOOLS or a DRE • Seriously so healing for me and much cheaper than any life coaching, therapy or other such session. Try it out.


Feeling a Splurge Urge

i. Search for online courses or classes • The Angel Frequency Healer Lacy's spoken of is now offering online sessions for much cheaper than an in-person session. See here.

ii. Look out for first timer specials • I've seen a handful of healers offer first time specials, or even offer discounts if I email them personally expression my interest.

iii. Invest in Teaching Yourself • Spending on a class can pay off in the long run., like The Warrior Facial Workshop I attended. I learned how to give my face and jaw a "massage" that relieves stress, tension and can make me more conscious and present. 

And of course, if you're really feeling that acupuncture session or that spa day retreat, by all means. Listen to what your gut is saying yes to and your body is telling you that you need. Choose your splurges, and leave any spending guilt at the checkout.