Growing up in Alaska, with a lifestyle rooted in the outdoors, licensed massage therapist Diana dreamed of a place where she could have beautiful weather year-round.

After a serious health scare, she decided to change careers and pursue her dream place. She moved to San Diego and joined a community of healers that made a profound impact on her life. At the Pacific College of Health and Science, Diana studied Eastern medicine and holistic healing practices.

With a passion for kinesiology and understanding movement, she developed techniques to institute real, long-term change. She honed her craft by becoming proficient in Swedish, table Thai, structural and deep tissue modalities as well as receiving advanced training in prenatal and cupping therapy. 

A treatment with Diana is a personalized journey to reducing stress, relief of muscle aches and pains, improving circulation and  posture, and promoting a deeper connection to the mind/body relationship. 

When she is not working with clients, she can be found enjoying and grounding herself with the Southern California landscapes. She is an avid hiker and paddle-boarder!

Follow Diana on Instagram @diana_saffron_sage